If you are in college using any form of the GI-bill, come work for OneVet OneVoice and get paid. Use the VA form 22-869
OVOV is an approved VA work-study site, make sure you put OneVet OneVoice in Block 11 and send the completed application to
Get more work-study information here
San Francisco County Veterans Service Office
CVSO helps you get the federal veteran's benefits you are entitled to. We do this by managing your entire claim process and advocating for you with government agencies. Need your military records? We can help with that too.
Please email the required documents to or fax to (415) 355-2468.
Note: If you are a student who does not have a Statement of Non-Filing from the IRS or State Franchise Tax Board, submit form VSD-022 with the fee waiver request. Applicants will be notified by mail if their fee waiver has been approved.
Alfred Sims, County Veterans Service Officer
2 Gough St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (415) 934-4200
Fax: (415) 934-4240
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Veterans Readiness and Employment Chapter 31
If you're eligible, we'll invite you to an orientation session at your nearest VA regional office.
You can also apply:
By mail
Fill out an Application for Vocational Rehabilitation for Claimants with Service-Connected Disabilities (VA Form 28-1900).
Download VA Form 28-1900 (PDF)
Send your completed application here:
Department of Veterans Affairs
VR&E Intake Center
PO Box 5210
Janesville, WI
In person
Go to a VA regional office and have a VA employee help you.
Find a VA regional office near you
A rehabilitation plan is a written plan that outlines the resources we’ll use to help you find employment. Depending on your situation, your VRC will work with you to choose one of the following support-and-services tracks to help you find and keep a job, and live as independently as possible: